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Measuring Impact

The Academy rigorously measures the impact of its careers programme, to ensure it continues to meet the needs of our pupils, by making sure it is relevant, meaningful, and impactful.

The Academy uses the Future Skills Questionnaire, which is embedded in Compass+, a tool that is funded by the Careers and Enterprise Company, to baseline students at key transition point, and track progress between key stages. This tool is being used for the first time in the 2022/23 academic year.

The Academy closely monitors potential ‘NEET’ (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) students, to ensure bespoke, targeted support can be provided to any student who would benefit from it.

Individual activities and interventions are evaluated, and continuous feedback is provided by students, staff, parents and carers, and employers.

Our destinations data can be accessed below, alongside the school performance data via the DFE : 

16 to 18 - The Priory Witham Academy - Compare school and college performance data in England - GOV.UK (

Post 16 Destination

Destination 2022
Further Education 46%
6th Form College 36%
Sustained Employment 3%
Sustained Apprenticeship 3%
Other Education 9%







Post 18 Destination 

Destination 2022
Further Education 13%
University  57%
Sustained Employment 16%
Sustained Apprenticeship 7%