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Pre-school – Early Years

You make applications for pre-school places directly to the academy. This is because admissions to pre-school education are subject to separate admission arrangements from those for the rest of the academy.

The academy offers pre-school places in three age groups:

  • pre-nursery – for children who are 2 years old until the beginning of the term before their 3rd birthday
  • nursery – for children turning 3 years old, from the beginning of the term before their 3rd birthday until the end of the school year before they are 4
  • pre-reception – for children turning 4 years old, from the beginning of the school year during which they are 4 to the end of that school.

The academy offers free (funded) places (15 or 30 hours per week) for eligible children, and paid-for places. You can find a more detailed document giving the full range of types of places available on the academy’s website ( and as a printed copy from the academy.

You can find the full admission arrangements for the academy, including the criteria used to decide who is admitted when the academy is oversubscribed, by visiting: The Priory Witham Academy - Admissions.

For further information regarding the Nursery and Early Years admission process, please see the below attachments.