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Assessment at The Priory Witham Academy (Primary)

The Academy has replaced levels with an end of year group ‘Age Related Expectation’ in line with the 2014 National Curriculum.  In order to track children’s attainment and progress teachers use progression documents to identify the ‘Age and Stage’ a child is working at.

At the start of a new academic year we would expect a child to be working at the ‘beginning’ or ‘beginning+’ stage of their new year group and by the end of the academic year in order to be achieving ‘Age Related Expectations’ we would expect them to be at the ‘secure’ or ‘secure+’ stage. This will ensure they are ready to access the curriculum for the next year group in September.  Some children may be working at an age or stage below these expectations due to additional needs and/or because of the increasing expectations of the new 2014 curriculum. We have assigned a points system to each age and stage in order to measure progress effectively.

Assessment points for teacher assessment has moved to 4 times during the academic year in order to show progress more effectively. Expected progress is 4 points per year.  The quality assurance cycle ensures that teacher assessment is moderated by senior leaders in English and Mathematics before assessments are submitted. There are also external moderations arranged over the academic year. Following data submission, pupil progress meetings take place with class teachers and senior leaders to look at impact of QFT on progress, strategies that have had a positive impact on progress and to discuss children of concern who may be underachieving so we can act quickly by adapting provision or providing intervention as necessary.


Attainment and progress statements:

Less than 4 points progress by end of academic year

Below Expected Progress

4 points by progress by end of academic year:

Expected Progress

More than 4 points progress by end of academic year

Strong/ Accelerated Progress