The Geography curriculum intends to:
- Enables students to build up a passion about the world around them. Students cultivate an understanding of the individuality and interaction between the physical and the human world.
- Allow students to explore geographical theories and concepts on a range of scales in the classroom and then gives them the courage to apply these beyond their local horizon.
- Enable students to become true citizens of the world, understanding the direct and indirect impacts that they can have on future societies, economies and environments.
- Encourage students to be curious about their own choices, decisions and opinions about their local communities in a global setting. Geography builds tolerance and encourages generosity and compassion through seeing the world from alternative perspectives. Geographical thinking inspires wise decision making through enquiry and building resilience to a variety of challenges.
- Allows students to build links and transfer skills between the other humanities subjects, the sciences, maths, as well as the creative arts. It remains at the heart of allowing students to fully understand their role on the planet.